Technology, Nutrition and Opinion

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Heh. Looks like there are actually reasons to abandon the good old headphone jack.

Then again…

Strategically, Samsung’s move is being considered a potential ‘death strike’ against Apple, with the entire ecosystem of headphone manufacturers suddenly faced with a choice.  Using the numbers game, Samsung and its army of Android allies hope that headphone manufacturers will prioritize their proprietary jack first, leaving Apple deprived of newer, more interesting models.

But why? They could just keep using the 3.5mm jack and iPhone 7ff users can’t use them. If anything, this alienates users of older phones, including Android.

More than that, we also know that products co-created by men and women are much more successful. Hello Apple, remember your health kit, you’ve launched it and touted it as managing every single bit of your effective health needs, everything you could want to measure, everything that you possibly need to know, except periods, the menopause, anything to do with babies. Could that be because there are no women on your design team? Perhaps. And we know that companies that have a founding team with women in it, either two women and a man or a man or a woman, do better in profit terms. Everyone benefits.

technology martha lane fox equality computing

I regret wasting years of my life with her. I regret the missed opportunities and the emotional turmoil I endured, the friends I lost and the time that can never be mine again. Why was I with her? Why is anyone in a bad relationship? At the time, I honestly didn’t think I would ever find anyone else who wanted to be with me. It was shameful and lame, but it’s how I felt. I thought I had to take what I could get.

Ausgemacht ist nur, dass Jungs im Durchschnitt mehr Halt im Außen brauchen. Sie orientieren sich stärker im Raum und suchen nach etwas, das ihnen Bedeutsamkeit verschafft. Neugeborene Mädchen haben das weniger nötig. Die haben in sich selbst genug Halt.

In jeder neuen Generation muss jeder Junge, der auf die Welt kommt, die schmerzhafte Erfahrung machen, dass er den nötigen Halt nur findet, wenn er gewisse Erwartungen erfüllt. Aber das ist kein Wachstum, sondern Verbiegung oder Selbst-Abrichtung. Wenn man das weiter so machen will - meinetwegen. Ich würde mir für unsere Jungs allerdings wünschen, dass sie statt Rollenspielern authentische Männer werden.